Sunday, April 2, 2017

Story blog

So up until about 3 years ago I was in Boy Scouts and every year we would go to camp bartle for about 10 days during the summer. So the troop I was apart of would take about 30 to 40 guys each year, I really enjoyed it, especially as you get older and when your at the end of your 4th time or your 5th time is the time I think you have the most fun. The reason for that is because after 4 years you can join a group which I won't go into now but it allows you to go anywhere you want in the camp. When you're a 1st to 3rd year all troop only wants you to focus on earning merit badges, which is okay and it makes sense to do it year, but its just not very fun.
Now onto the fun story, the food in these camps is not very good so what we would do is buy food (almost exclusively candy) from the general store or our parents would send us food (even more candy). Now since these camps are in the woods there are many wild animals that want to eat all the food that is around. At night we were suppose to lock up are food in the dads cabin (we slept in tents) but we rarely did because what if you get hungry at night? So one night we all woke up to a scream and we all get up to see our friend Jacob chasing something with a very large stick and with flashlights we see that he is chasing a raccoon that had stolen his bag of potato chips and they ran off into the wood and we didn't see them until about half an hour later when he returned with his chips.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


To find more about my family history I first Email my dad. Since he was no help i asked him about it. interview and my mom Interview. I also created a family tree in family Echo for the family member I know

Monday, May 5, 2014


I like the how they says that if you spend to much time on the phones and social media opportunity we go by untouched. I really agree with most of the points in the beginning of the video like how Social media isn't really that social. I however disagree with the saying that being with a group chat might as well be the same as being around a group of people

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Read THIS blog post by a teacher. I mean actually read it. Take it in. Think about it. And then, write about it. What do you think about it? What is the teacher trying to say? In your own words explain what "the main event" is.

I think a lot of what he is saying is true about what school is really about and how he cares about his students. When he say that nobody thinks that its all about the academics, I don't think that true. I think that the people higher up think that but we know its more about learning not the test scores that they care about. The main event is learning about life experiences not the scores it about learning form mistakes and not letting that happening again.  

Monday, April 21, 2014


Reflect on your stop-motion animation project. How did it go? What worked? What didn't work? If you're not finished - why? If you are finished go in to detail about the project and what you learned. Give as much detail and information as possible.

I think making the stop motion went okay except I wanted to make it a lot better but I ran out of markers. Once the pictures were done and we were working in movie maker everything went really well. For me the pictures weren't as good as I wanted to make them because I wanted to add more but didn't have the space. For me I learned how to use movie maker which I first i was nervous about using because I don't like to try new programs. I don't think this was my favorite project so far I think that I liked using prezi the most. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014


What is your idea for your stop-motion animation? Explain yourself. Have you started taking photos? If not, when do you plan to take your photos? What is your action plan for today? What is your plan to GET SOMETHING DONE?

My plan for my stop-motion animation is to make a paper track and have toy cars race around the track. I have not started taking photos yet. I plan to take the photos tonight when I get home. Today I plan on making the track for cars to race around. I then plan to make the video on Friday. 

Monday, April 7, 2014


What is stop motion animation? If you don't know, look it up! Explain.

Stop motion animation is a movie taken with items moved very small amount  at one time and requires many pictures to make the movie.